Coal Country Strike Team
This proposal sets up a partnership that would create a “strike team” to work with community leaders to pursue a five-pronged policy platform in Utah’s rural coal country—focused on Emery and Carbon counties—to address problems (such as the opioid crisis) and promote opportunities in health care, tourism, employment and economic development training, technology and housing.
Submission from: Natalie Gochnour, director, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, University of Utah; Meredith King, research coordinator, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, University of Utah; Jennifer Lynn Robinson, associate director, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, University of Utah; Juliette Tennert, chief economist, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, University of Utah; Gary Straquadine, interim chancellor, Utah State University-Eastern; Wes Curtis, executive director of regional services, South Utah University/Center for Rural Life; Ginger Chinn, managing director, Governor's Office of Economic Development; Vicki Varela, managing director, Utah Office of Tourism; Clint Betts, executive director, Silicon Slopes; Nick Tatton, community and economic development director/chair, Price City/United Way of Eastern Utah; Michael Kourianos, mayor, Price City; Danny Van Wagoner, mayor, Castle Dale; Larry Davis, superintendent, Emery School District; Lance Hatch, superintendent, Carbon School District; Greg Cook, CFO, Castleview Hospital; Frank Peczuh, Peczuh Printing; Brock Johansen, CEO, Emery Telcom; Delynn Fielding, former Carbon Economic Development director; Rita Vigor, economic development specialist, Carbon County; Todd Thorne, Carbon County zoning administrator; Karl Kraync, Pro Carbon; Geri Gamber, executive director, Southeastern AOG; Jordan Leonard, Rural Online Initiative; Roberta Hardy, principal, Pinnacle Canyon Academy.